Important items from Museum of Cardiff’s collection will form part of a special app package aimed at supporting LGBTQ+ community members in Cardiff living with dementia.
A Cardiff landlord who attempted to evict her tenant using WhatsApp has been prosecuted for unlawful eviction.
Partnership housing specialist and one of the leading providers of residential construction, regeneration and retrofit solutions, Lovell Partnerships, has been appointed as preferred bidder to deliver the Cardiff and Vale Housing Partnership.
Extra Funding for Schools, Social Services, and Cleaner Streets; One Planet Cardiff cuts council's carbon emissions by 18%; Cardiff West Community High School students inspired to explore careers in construction
Extra Funding for Schools, Social Services, and Cleaner Streets; Cardiff Council budget 2025/26 - explainer; Cardiff showcases commitment to children's right to play at Tokyo Global Forum on Children; and more
Cardiff Council Unveils 2025/26 Budget Proposals
Find out more about the Council's budget proposals for the next year.
Cardiff Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry has represented Cardiff at the inaugural Tokyo Global Forum on Children, reinforcing the city's position as the UK's first and only UNICEF Child Friendly City.
Carbon emissions created directly by Cardiff Council have been cut by 18% since the launch of the local authority’s One Planet Cardiff response to climate change in 2019.
Year 10 engineering students from Cardiff West Community High School have embarked on an exciting construction-focused programme, designed to ignite their interest in careers within the industry.
Travel advice for Wales vs Ireland; Bike scheme helping children in low-income families; Council grants help Cardiff taxi drivers cut emissions; Two Week Engagement on Secure Cycle Parking
Get a taxi in Cardiff today and your trip could now be cleaner and greener due to a Cardiff Council scheme which has provided more than £200,000 of grants to enable the city’s taxi drivers to upgrade to more fuel efficient or fully electric vehicles.
A two-week engagement exercise has started today - asking all cyclists for their views on secure cycle parking in the city.
Travel advice for Wales vs Ireland on 22 February in Cardiff; Bike scheme helping children in low-income families choose active travel to get to school; Opportunity to have your say on Cardiff's Ambitious Green Replacement Development Plan; and more
Support and friendship for people with caring responsibilities; New swimming pool at Pentwyn Leisure Centre; Have your say on Cardiff's Replacement Development Plan; Cardiff Children’s Literature Festival 2025
With the kick-off taking place at 2.15pm - there will be a full city centre road closure from 10.15am until 5.45pm to ensure all ticket holders can get into and out of the stadium safely.