Children in low-income families in Cardiff are benefitting from a new scheme providing free, recycled bikes.
Up to 100 new electric vehicle charging points could be installed with Cardiff Council support over the next two years.
Cardiff Council's ambitious programme to create a stronger, fairer, and greener capital city is evaluated in the authority’s latest Wellbeing Report, and while the assessment shows good progress has been made, it also identifies future risks and areas in
Cardiff Council has earmarked 71 existing and former pubs, clubs and social or cultural venues for inclusion on the city's Local Heritage List.
Cardiff Council has revealed it is facing a predicted budget shortfall in 2025/26 of almost £50m.
Cardiff Council has agreed its Corporate Plan, outlining the priorities and goals it has set itself for the next three years and beyond.
Cardiff Council has published its Corporate Plan, outlining the priorities and goals it has set itself for the next three years and beyond.
Cardiff has scored highly in a major new EU survey assessing the quality of life in major European cities – and been declared the best of all for families with young children.
James Jelinski, 23, and Megan Colwill, 24, are the latest fresh-faced recruits to the Council’s Central Transport Services department and they are living proof of how the world of motor mechanics is changing.
Cardiff’s share of the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) – designed to replace funding previously provided by the EU – has been spent benefiting hundreds of people and projects across the city.
One of Britain’s most popular indoor motorsport events roars back into Cardiff on Saturday, September 2, when the FM British Speedway Grand Prix brings some of the world’s top riders to the Principality Stadium.
Thousands of runners are expected to pound the streets of the capital on Sunday, September 3, with the revival of the popular Cardiff 10k.
As a historic port, Cardiff has long had special ties with the Royal Navy and illustrious ships have carried the city’s name around the world for more than 400 years.
Cardiff Council's Cabinet has agreed in principle a new report exploring ways in which a road user payment might be reinvested to help build a transport offer which could help the city reduce the harmful effects of air pollution for Cardiff residents, ma
An expanded bus service with cheaper £1 fares, a new tram network, and enhanced regional links could soon be part of a cleaner, greener, and more modern transport system for Cardiff. Yet these changes may only become possible if a road user payment...
What is being proposed and why