Latest Releases

Work gets underway to develop a new games and puzzle-themed play area in Splott next week.
Cardiff Council has demonstrated its clear commitment towards the Welsh Language through further expansion of its Welsh-medium primary school provision which supports the Welsh Government's target of a million of Welsh speakers by 2050.
Teeing up transformation; Cardiff Council Unveils Ambitious Five-Year Strategy to Modernise Estate and Boost Capital Receipts by £10m; Fitzalan High School excels in latest Estyn inspection; and more
Topgolf to drive new era at Cardiff's International Sports Village, while council tackles waterfront and parking upgrades
Here is your Friday update: Final phase of Cardiff's new recycling scheme rollout; Positive Estyn report for Stacey Primary School; Relocation plans for Lansdowne Primary School; Ambitious green development plan to create 32,300 jobs and 26,400 homes
Cardiff Council has launched a bold new five-year property strategy aimed at creating ‘Efficient Spaces, Sustainable Futures’ property portfolio by 2030.
Fitzalan High School has received glowing recognition in its most recent inspection conducted by Estyn, the Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.
In your Tuesday update this week: Cardiff's citywide budget consultation now underway; Estyn praise for St Cadoc's Primary School; A new way of providing care for people in Cardiff; Ed Sheeran boosts music education with visit to launch new foundation
The final rollout of Cardiff’s new 'sack sort' recycling scheme will begin on January 20th, extending the scheme to 36,400 homes.
A new development plan for the city will create over 32,000 new jobs and 26,400 new homes by 2036.
Ed Sheeran surprised young people from four Cardiff-based organisations when he made a whirlwind tour of the city to launch his new foundation, stopping off at Fitzalan High School, Eastmoors Youth Centre in Splott, and the city-centre youth project Gras
Cardiff residents are being urged to take part in a budget consultation which opened today, helping to shape the future of essential council services in the city.
A new way of providing care for people in Cardiff is delivering real benefits for those receiving the support as well as the carers delivering it.
Stacey Primary School in Adamsdown, has been praised for its nurturing environment, strong leadership, and focus on improving pupil outcomes following its recent inspection by Estyn.
Proposals have been drawn up to relocate Lansdowne Primary School in response to the deterioration of the school buildings.
Cardiff residents are being urged to take part in a budget consultation that will help shape the future of essential council services in the city.