New strategy sets out commitment to support adults with learning disabilities


Cardiff Council's commitment to delivering quality services for people with learning disabilities is outlined in a new strategy.

The Living Well with a Learning Disability Strategy for Adults 2024-2029sets out a clear direction in delivering local priorities whilst being fully aligned with regional partnership plans, national legislation and the Council's Stronger, Fairer, Greener corporate plan.

The vision is Promoting Independence and Improving Lives and there are four principles that the strategy focusses on:

  • Prevention:Promoting prevention and early intervention. Supporting people with learning disabilities to live the lives they want to lead and have independence, choice, and control
  • What matters to me: Listening and working with people to jointly find solutions to meet their needs. 
  • To ensure high quality care:Developing quality services that deliver value for money solutions which meet care and support needs.
  • Home First:Supporting people to live locally where they "feel good and well" and are connected to their communities.

The strategy has taken the vision and priorities set out in the Joint Commissioning Strategywhich was developed in 2019 by Cardiff Council and a range of partners including the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Swansea Bay University Health Board, the Regional Partnership Board and third sector partners.

It was designed in collaboration with people with who have experienced services and outlines the shared vision and core principles fundamental to service design and delivery.

Cardifffully supports the Joint Commissioning Strategy, however given the importance of these services and the range of new initiatives that are required to meet the needs of this population group,The Living Well with a Learning Disability Strategy for Adults 2024-2029has been developedto emphasise Cardiff's commitments to delivering quality local services for people with learning disabilities that support all individuals to live fulfilled lives.

The key aims include:

As part of the Council's commitment to develop opportunities to support independence, the strategy includes proposals for a new Complex Needs Day Service located in St Mellons, subject to grant funding.Day servicesare a vital part of the local support system, enabling those with the most complex needs to be supported within the community and the new provision would help to meet the increased demand. Delivered inpartnership with Swansea Bay and Cardiff and Vale Health Boards, a brand-new fit for purpose facilitywouldprovide multi-agency services on site for high needs service users.

The strategy sets out the aim to embed a Close to Home approach. A five year accommodation programme has been developed in partnership with social landlords which will support people with learning disabilities and other complex needs to continue to live within their communities. 

Councillor Leonora Thomson, Cabinet Member for Adult Services said:"This strategy demonstrates our commitment to delivering quality services for people with learning disabilities, their families, and carers. It is designed to support individuals with learning disabilities, ensuring they have equal opportunities to succeed in their academic, personal, and professional endeavours and underscores our dedication to creating an environment where every individual can thrive, regardless of the challenges they may face.

"By listening to people with learning disabilities, their families, and carers, we understand the need for all services to collaborate including social care, housing, health, education, and the third sector. Through this collaboration we aim to develop services that provide early intervention, prevent crises, and are community focused.

"We will achieve this in partnership with people with learning disabilities, who are the experts in their own lives. An accompanying delivery plan has been developed, containing specific actions with timelines for each commitment. The delivery plan is a living document and will be updated to reflect any changes in priorities and circumstances as they arise. It is designed to be flexible and contains actions that can reasonably be expected to be achieved."

"I would also like to extend my thanks to all our partners who have contributed to this strategy".

Cardiff Council's Cabinet will be recommended to approve the strategy, and the development of a new Complex Needs Day Centre at its meeting on Thursday 20thMarch.

A webcast of that meeting will be available to watch on the day here.Agenda for Cabinet on Thursday, 20th March, 2025, 2.00 pm : Cardiff Council

Prior to the Cabinet meeting, the report was scrutinised by theCommunity & Adult Services Scrutiny Committeewhen it met on 17thMarch. A recording of that meeting is available to view here.Agenda for Community & Adult Services Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 17th March, 2025, 4.30 pm : Cardiff Council