One Planet Cardiff cuts council’s carbon emissions by 18%


Carbon emissions created directly by Cardiff Council have been cut by 18% since the launch of the local authority's One Planet Cardiff response to climate change in 2019.

Across the city as a whole, the latest available UK government figures for 2022 show that carbon emissions created by residents, businesses and other organisations in Cardiff have also reduced, falling by 8.3% to a total of 1.71 million tonnes of CO2e.

Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Strategic Planning and Transport, Cllr Dan De'Ath said: "The science on this is clear. We need to dramatically reduce the amount of carbon emissions we produce to stand any chance of avoiding the worst effects of climate change.

"The progress we're delivering through our One Planet Cardiff strategy is positive. 100,000 new trees planted in just four years, a new 9 megawatt solar farm built at Lamby Way, the Radyr Weir hydroelectric scheme, new low carbon council homes and schools - the list goes on. However, there are major challenges that need to be overcome if we are going to achieve our carbon neutral ambitions and reap the potential economic and social benefits that a greener future can bring.

"Significant government investment will be required, the national grid needs to be decarbonised, rates of domestic retrofitting need to accelerate, and skills shortages and supply chain issues have to be addressed. These are issues faced by local authorities across Wales and the UK. We cannot do this alone."

As a result of these challenges a ‘Green Growth Proposition' is being developed for Cardiff. Focussing on two key areas - local renewable energy generation and domestic retrofit - the proposition will aim to clarify what actions the Council can take, what external support would be needed to bring about accelerated action in these areas, and any mechanisms needed to ensure economic and social benefits are secured alongside carbon reduction.

A report providing a full update on progress under the One Planet Cardiff strategy and more detail on the proposed Green Growth Proposition is due to be discussed by Cardiff Council's Cabinet on Thursday, 27thFebruary. A webcast of that meeting will be available to watch on the day here:

Prior to the Cabinet meeting, the report with be scrutinised by the Environmental Scrutiny Committee when it meets on Tuesday, 25thFebruary. A webcast of the meeting will be available here: