A proposed land exchange at Maindy Park would be in the best interests of the Maindy Park Trust according to an in principle decision taken by Cardiff Council Cabinet, acting in its role as Trustee of the charity. The exchange is still subject to charity commission consent.
Now the exchange is approved in principle by the Maindy Park Trust, an application will be made to the Charity Commission for its consent to land at Cae Delyn Park replacing part of the land at Maindy Park, currently held in trust by the charity.
Only Cabinet Members who had not had any previous involvement in the Council's development proposals for the Maindy Park land, and did not have any other personal and prejudicial interest, took part in the decision-making process. All other Cabinet Members withdrew from the meeting.
An independent Maindy Park Trust Advisory Committee,comprised of three independent members of the Standards and Ethics Committee, established to manage the conflicts of interest in the decision-making process, had already decided that the proposed land swap was in the best interests of the charity and recommended approving the proposed land swap, subject to the following six conditions, all of which have been now been agreed:
The Maindy Park Trust Advisory Committee is to hold another meeting (within 90 days from the date of its last meeting on 23rd January 2023) to agree the proposed recommended improvements (outlined in condition 3), which may be subject to further public consultation. The Committee agreed, however, that the recommendations made at its January 2023 meeting could be reported to Cabinet before the date of the Committee's further meeting to consider the improvement works.