Ask Cardiff 2022


Cardiff Council once again wants to Ask Cardiff what's important to citizens and local communities in the city.

In its annual survey that gives people living and working in Cardiff and visitors the chance to share their experiences of public services, the Council is keen to better understand how people experience the city and services to help inform planning for the future.

Ask Cardiff 2022 is now available online at and everyone who takes part in the 20 minute survey will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a family ticket to skate at this year's Winter Wonderland or one of ten £50 FOR Cardiff vouchers, which can be spent in a wide variety of high street shops and restaurants.


Paper copies of the survey will also be available to complete in hubs, libraries and other community buildings around the city.


Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty, Equality and Public Health (Public Health & Equalities), Cllr Julie Sangani, said: "Ask Cardiff is our annual opportunity to take the temperature of city life - what do people who live in Cardiff think about services available in the city. We're interested in knowing people's views on a variety of subjects from housing to social care, leisure and the environment and more - what are we doing well and what would they like to see changed.


"We can also gain some valuable insights into public health in the city - how people access services and if there are any barriers preventing them from using services.


"The survey is a really important source of information for us and it's essential that we hear from as many as people across the city as possible - from different areas, different ages, different backgrounds - everyone's views matter.


"The cost of living is a huge subject for all of us at the moment and Ask Cardiff 2022 gives people taking part a chance to let us know how the current pressures are affecting them, their employment situation, their housing and their health and wellbeing."


The inflationary pressures that are affecting organisations and households nationwide are also placing the Council's budget under pressure, and the survey asks for views on how the Council should prioritise its resources for 2023/24 and the longer term as well.


The survey is due to close on Sunday 20th November. Visit to take part.