Here is the latest update from Cardiff Council, covering: building back a new, greener, stronger and fairer Cardiff after COVID; vaccination totals for Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan; delivering a Child Friendly Recovery for Cardiff; Cardiff's COVID-19 case and test numbers; and progress towards a "healthier, greener and wilder" One Planet Cardiff.
Building back a new, greener, stronger and fairer Cardiff after COVID
A series of proposals designed to boost Cardiff's economy and improve the lives of residents as Wales comes out of lockdown have been revealed by Cardiff Council.
The strategy for a post COVID-19 recovery and renewal draws on a report prepared for the council by a world-leading expert on cities and urban management policies.
Report author, Dr Tim Williams, has worked across the globe for 20 years helping cities like London and Sydney develop urban strategies. His report - Taking Cardiff Forward After COVID-19 - was commissioned by the council to challenge its own thinking, and to act as an independent, critical friend.
Following submission of Dr Williams' report the council has prepared four reports of its own, published today, which outline how Cardiff Council will work towards delivering recovery and renewal strategy for Cardiff which will:
Cardiff Council's Cabinet will consider the reports at its next meeting on Thursday, May 20th. If agreed the council will begin a conversation with residents and city stakeholders across the summer to gather their views on the proposals.
Leader of Cardiff Council, Cllr Huw Thomas, said: "The Covid-19 pandemic has presented the biggest challenge to public services and to the life of the city in a generation. Over the course of the crisis this Council has played a key role delivering vital services, particularly to the city's most vulnerable residents.
"At the outset of the crisis we brought our public and private sector partners together in order to lead a successful, whole-city response to the pandemic. Now it's important we carry on the good work, shaping the future of Cardiff alongside those partners and the city's residents as we look to safely re-open for business. We all hope this lockdown will be the last, but as the city emerges from the pandemic it is essential we do everything we can to ensure a speedy recovery which safeguards people's jobs and livelihoods.
"Covid has and will continue to present challenges. There will likely be long-term economic and social impacts, but there will also be opportunities to rethink the way we want our city to grow and about the lives we want to lead in a post-Covid world.
"Already we have seen an acceleration of trends that were emerging before Covid - changes to the way we want to live, work, shop and spend our leisure time. Moving forward there will be opportunities to change the way we work, to make life more local, to reduce congestion, to take steps to clean the air we breathe and to improve the environment.
"This council is determined to deliver the best possible outcomes for all its residents. We have worked up plans which we believe will help Cardiff recover from the pandemic, plans which can benefit everyone who lives and works here. We want to start a new Capital Ambition conversation with citizens and city stakeholders on how we can shape and lead the recovery and renewal of Wales' capital city. We want to build a new Cardiff, a city which works for everyone who lives in it, and which works for Wales. A city which will continue to grow and to flourish as it has over the past 20 years. A great city to live in and one that can continue to power Wales's economic success."
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Cardiff & Vale University Health Board Vaccination Status Update - 14 May
The total number of vaccination doses given by the Cardiff & Vale University Health Board so far, in both local authority areas: 432,734 (1stDose: 312,531 2ndDose: 120,185)
Based on the figures available at the time of publication. Please note that there may be minor amendments to data as it is validated over time.
Delivering a Child Friendly Recovery for Cardiff
Children and young people in Cardiff will form an integral part of the city's approach to recovery and renewal from the impact of the pandemic.
A series of short and longer term plans have been set out in a report to be considered by Cabinet at its next meeting on Thursday, May 20 focussing on the delivery of a Child Friendly Recovery.
The reportrecognises the impact of the pandemic on children and young people's education, rights, wellbeing, and future pathways into employment and represents the Child Friendly Recovery element of the Council's Capital Ambition: Recovery and Renewal Programmewhich covers four key areas of recovery including green, economic, child-friendly and organisational.
Cardiff has made significant progress in embedding children's rights into the Council's strategies and the way in which children and young people are supported and nurtured since the launch of the Child Friendly Cardiff Strategy in 2018, which set out the ambition to be recognised as a Child Friendly City.
Recognising the pioneering role that the Council has played as one of the first to join its Child Friendly Cities and Communities programme,the UK Committee for UNICEFhas suggested that Cardiff submits for Child Friendly City recognition later this year.
The recovery plan has been developed with children and young people at its heart and features plans for greater partnership working across various council services and with partners, to ensure that Cardiff is a ‘Great Place to Grow Up' where the voices, needs and rights of all children and young people are respected and where all children and young people are safe, healthy, happy and able to share in the city's success.
Cardiff Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "We are committed to becoming a UNICEF UK Child Friendly City and so it's crucial that this ambition is reflected in the development and delivery of our programme of recovery and renewal.
"Children and young people have missed out on so much during the pandemic and it is vital that we initially address the need for them to recover social, recreational, sport and leisure experiences that they have lost, and to simply ‘be' with their friends.
"Through joint efforts across all Council departments, public services and partnerships across the city region, we can help to make sure that the disruption and any negative experiences of the pandemic do not have a lasting and detrimental effect on our children and young people.
"Thepast year has also brought about unprecedented change and we now have an opportunity to reflect not just on the experiences of the pandemic but on our Child Friendly journey to date and to consolidate the lessons learned before setting out our future missions."
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Cardiff Cases and Tests - 7 Days Data (03 May - 09 May)
Based on latest figures from Public Health Wales
Data correct as of:
13 May 2021, 09:00
Cases: 57
Cases per 100,000 population: 15.5 (Wales: 9.0 cases per 100,000 population)
Testing episodes: 3,721
Testing per 100,000 population: 1,014.2
Positive proportion: 1.5% (Wales: 0.9% positive proportion)
Progress towards a "healthier, greener and wilder" One Planet Cardiff
"Substantial progress" is being made in Cardiff Council's ‘One Planet Cardiff' response to the climate emergency according to a Cabinet report due to be discussed next week.
The One Planet report is one of four key reports setting out the council's post-pandemic recovery and renewal strategy for the city, covering a green recovery, an economic recovery, a child-friendly recovery, and an organisational recovery.
One other environmental report, focussing on the steps being taken to make Cardiff "Healthier, Greener and Wilder" following a Full Council vote, is also set for discussion.
Of 7 themes identified in the draft ‘One Planet Cardiff' strategy, a wide ranging consultation showed that the public, young people and businesses all considered energy demand reduction and increased renewable energy generation to be the most important area to focus on. There was also widespread support for other key Climate Emergency initiatives focussed on transportation, green infrastructure and food.
Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Michael Michael said: "Even as we recover from the unmistakeable impact of Covid-19, one thing remains clear - climate change is the defining global challenge of our generation. The council is rising to that challenge, with funding secured for major projects such as the low carbon district heat network, more of our fleet of vehicles transitioning to electric, and plans on track for the start of a mass tree planting programme."
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