COVID19: Easter Waste and Recycling Collections


Your collection day will remain the same during Easter this year, but collection times may change so please ensure your waste is out by 6am.

Waste collection services will operate on both Good Friday (10 April) and Easter Monday (13 April).

Our waste collection team will work across the Easter bank holidays to ensure the collection service continues.


We're asking that you continue to separate recyclable materials, just as you normally would, as we recognise that there would be no space in your black bin / red striped bags for these items if you didn't have a recycling bag collection.

Cardiff wants to become the best recycling city in the world, so we want you to continue to use your green recycling bags to keep up good habits for when the crisis is over.

The following items can go in your green recycling bag:

     Cardboard Easter egg boxes

     Plastic packaging from Easter egg boxes

     Foil (please make sure that it is clean and scrunched up in a ball)

If you're unsure if an item can go into your recycling bag, please check our  Recycling A-Z.

Easter Recycling Art & Crafts

If you currently have your children at home with you, you may be looking for craft projects and things to do.

Lots of packaging you would normally put into your green bags could be used for these. 

     You could use toilet rolls to make  Easter bunnies and chicks

     You can turn  egg boxes into flowers

     You could save the foil from the Easter eggs to make art

There are lots of ideas on  Pinterest  and Google to get you started.